do simple diy stuff and think they're avantgarde as fuck.
Don't get me wrong, I love diy and encourage people to do it, but what gets to me is when people think they're hot shit after a 15 minute session with a hot glue gun and some torn denim and who later go on bragging about it as if they had just finished painting the Sixtine chapel. I could list hundreds of these simple feats of diy fuckery but I'm gonna keep it short and sweet. Or short an highly acidic in better words.
The half-bleached denim shirt
Studded collars
The fucking galaxy denim shorts
These shorts are seriously so overrated. In pretty much every tutorial you can find for making these the author usually starts off by saying that these shorts are unique. Excusez-fucking-moi but I've seen cheeseburgers more unique than this crap. The artistic ability needed to make these is equal to that of a five-year-old. All you need is some fabric paint and 30 minutes to smudge it all on some shitty denim and presto! YOU'RE A TEENAGE WHITE GIRL.
ps. if you're confused about the numbering at the end of the title, this is actually part of a series I do that mostly centers on things that I hate/find annoying. I hid all of my old posts, but I'm thinking about reposting the first six parts of these bitchfests I've written. Because frankly my dear, they are hilarious as fuck.
rakastan näitä ei jumankauta oot niin oikeessa, pisteet kotiin siis
VastaaPoistaomg ja paidat joihin on leikattu selkään pääkallo XD ja sit kaikkien DIY-juttujen kanssa....jos väittää.... et se on oma design
VastaaPoistaNever underestimate the artistic ability of a five-year-old. I swear they make some mind-blowing shit... (but yeah, agreed. Particularly tired of seeing galaxies everywhere.)
VastaaPoistarakastan sua veikko. this is awesome.
VastaaPoistaMORE!!! mooaarr
VastaaPoistaLöysin sun blogin sattumalt, mut tää postaus sai mut liittymää lukijaks.
VastaaPoistahahaaa kiva että joku tykkää mun katkerasta ämmäilystä!! xx